Monday, September 2, 2013

Bethany Hamilton Dirks

Yep, check that title again.

Bethany Hamilton Dirks!

Bethany is married!!

I am so happy for Bethany and her husband, Adam Dirks. She is such an inspiration and role model, that her wait for true love is a beautiful thing for everyone to see.

Adam and Bethany (above)

The happy couple on their wedding day. Bethany's ceremony dress is beautiful! I'm not sure which one she picked for her reception dress. . . . I heard she was doing two. :)
Bethany, you have been a bright light in my life. Thanks! I love you so much and am so happy for you.

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
Ephesians 4:2-3

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Bethany is Engaged!

The title is true! Bethany is getting married. I screamed when I heard! I am so happy and excited for her. I think I am going to write her a congrats letter :)

Her fiancé's name is Adam I think, but I don't know a whole lot about him. She kept it a secret pretty well! :) She didn't talk about it a whole lot.

I lover her! :)


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Clips From The Movie!

Hey! Sorry about not posting In a while. I thought you should know, there are some clips in Soul Surfer that Bethany is REALLY in! P.S. she does a load of the surfing scenes too. :)

She is in the movie at the part where they are on the mission trip. She walks by carrying soccer balls

She also is in the bus when they araive to the mission trip. :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

CDs On iTunes!

Check it out!! the movie ,soul surfer, soundtracks are on iTunes! They have been there for a while, but I never got around to telling you. There are two cds, the movie, and a preiview on itunes. You can buy the cds and movie.  The first cd is some of the custom songs and stuff. The second is various artists throughout the movie. :) enjoy! I know i do! ;) Thanks.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

No Comments?

Ok, Priya, I beleive, Told me that she was unable to post comments. I have looked into it and cant find anything wrong. Im So sorry. If you are having trouble commenting, please comments on my OTHER BLOG and then i will know if there is a problem or not. Thanks! You are all amazing!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Bethany On Facebook!

Hiya! I got a facebook recently, and I looked up Bethany on it. Turns out, SHE HAS ONE!! Well, doesnt everybody now?? But anywho, I followed her, and now I get to look on THE REAL Bethany's page. Yay!! How do I know its the real deal? There is a link on her blog. Just click the link I gave you in a past post to her blog, and you can't miss it.....but just in case you do, comment on one of my other blogs (people say they are not able to comment on this one and Im am trying to fix that). So, Thanks!!
P.S. just in case you dont know my other blogs, here are the links.
It's A Doll's World
Just Julie
Fall Is Here!
Thanks again!